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🔧 Configuration Guide

The Looking Glass service is configured through a config.yaml file. This guide will walk you through all available configuration options and their usage.

Getting Started

We recommend starting with our default configuration template available at You can then customize it according to your requirements. Link

Note: Configuration changes are applied dynamically - no container restart is required.

Configuration Sections

Project Settings

The project section defines the core settings of your Looking Glass instance:

name: "FastPing Networks Looking Glass"
page_title: "FastPing Networks"
logo_url: ""
logo_url_dark: ""
favicon_url: ""
css: "body { }"
dns_resolver: ""
top_html: "Welcome to the <b>Fast Ping Network's Looking Glass</b>. Here you will be able to perform diagnostic queries from our main nodes. "
bottom_html: "<a class='link-muted' href='#'>Fast Ping Networks</a> | <a class='link-muted' href='mailto:[email protected]'>Contact Support</a>"
theme: "light"
hide_theme_switch: false
hide_title: true
hide_footer: false
devices_dropdown: false
nameThe title of your Looking Glass instance displayed in the UI
page_titleThe title of your Looking Glass instance displayed in page title(one in your browser tab)
logo_urlURL to your company/organization logo
logo_url_darkURL to your company/organization logo in dark mode
favicon_urlURL to your favicon for browser tabs
themeTheme to use. dark, light or auto
hide_theme_switchOption to hide theme switch button
cssCustom CSS rules to customize the UI appearance
top_htmlCustom HTML to display at the top of the page(between logo and device selector)
bottom_htmlCustom HTML to display at the bottom of the page
hide_titleHide title of displayed at top of the page(name param)
hide_footerHide created with laniakea looking glass attribution
devices_dropdownif true - devices list will be show as dropdown, if false - devices will show as cards
dns_resolverDNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) endpoint for domain resolution

License Configuration

license_key: "eyJkYXRhIjp7Iml...wEf8CxZ834=="

Enter your valid license key to activate all features.

Rate Limiting

Control request limits to prevent abuse:

requests_per_hour: 1000

This setting limits the number of requests from a single IP address (or /64 IPv6 subnet) per hour.

Caching Configuration

cache_timeout: 600

Define how long (in seconds) results should be cached before a new execution is required.

Command Configuration

Define the available network diagnostic commands:

- id: 1
name: "ping"
description: "ICMP ping test to measure latency"
command: "ping {input} -c 5"
rules: [ipv4, ipv6, domain]
- id: 2
name: "mtr"
description: "MTR (My Traceroute) network diagnostic tool"
command: "mtr -r -c5 {input}"
rules: [ipv4, ipv6, domain]

Each command requires:

idUnique identifier for the command
nameDisplay name in the UI
descriptionDetailed description of the command's purpose
commandThe actual command to execute ({input} placeholder for user input)
rulesInput validation rules: ipv4, ipv6, asn, domain, cidr or any

Device Configuration

Configure network devices that will execute the commands:

- id: unique_number
name: "device_name"
ip: "device_ip"
username: "login_username"
password: "login_password"
ssh-key: "private_key"
location: "City, Country"
allowed_commands: [1,2,3]
port: 22
timeout: 30
emoji: "🏰"
system_type: 1

Device configuration parameters:

idUnique device identifier
nameDisplay name in the UI
ipDevice IP address (IPv4/IPv6) or hostname
usernameSSH username
passwordSSH password (if required)
ssh-keyPath to the key in the /etc/laniakea folder (RSA, DSA, ECDSA and Ed25519)
portSSH port (default: 22)
timeoutSSH connection timeout in seconds
locationHuman-readable location (can be used as device description also)
allowed_commandsArray of permitted command IDs
emojiDisplay emoji (e.g., country flag)
system_typeOperating system identifier (see Supported OS section)